
Памятки-шаблоны для подготовки к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ.


Брит-24th December 2016
Америк-December 28, 2016

Dear Mary,
Thank you for your last letter. I was awfully glad to get it! Sorry, I haven’t written for so long, but I’ve been too busy preparing for my exams.
In your letter you asked me about….. Well, I can say that…  Besides, as you are interested in…I think that …… By the way, I’d like to tell you that
By the way, it was great (pity) to hear about (your)….(3 вопроса)
Типы вопросов:   Do you go to school ?
                               Where do you live ?
                                This is your house , isn’t  it?  
                               Do you prefer football or tennis?
 I’d better go now and get on with my work. Take care and stay in touch!
  Best wishes,
·         Rubtsovsk
·         24/12/2016

·         Dear Mary,
·         Thank you for your last letter. I was awfully glad to hear that…..! Sorry, I haven’t written for so long, but I’ve been too busy preparing for my exams.
·         In your letter you asked me about…..
·          Well, I can say that… 
·         Besides, as you are interested in…I think that ……
·         By the way, I’d like to tell you that

·         I’d better go now and get on with my work. Take care and stay in touch!
·           Best wishes,
·          Name


2.     Personal opinion(2-3 resons)
3.     Opposite opinion(1-2 reasons)
4.     Why you don’t agree(1-2 reasons)
5.     Conclusion

1.   Nowadays most people pay a lot of attention to…
Some people believe that…..while others claim that….
Have you ever wondered (of/to be/ to visit…)
Our modern world is unthinkable without…..but some people disagree with this point of view.
2.   In my opinion….
Firstly,……   Secondly,…    Finally,…
3.   However, some people believe/think/claim that…..
In their view,….
(1-2 аргумента)
4.   Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion.
I am convinced that…..
(1-2 контр аргумента)
5.   In conclusion, I believe that……(2 предл)

О чём надо спросить
Как задать вопрос
Where is the …? Where is the … located? Where is the … situated? Where can I find the …?

opening hours
What are the openning hours of the..? When does the … start working? When is the … open?
hotel facilities
What are the hotel facilities? What facilities are provided in your hotel? What facilities are available at the hotel?
availability of (sth)
Is (something) available? Is there a …?
How much is the…? What is the price for …?
Are   there   any   discounts   for …? Are … discounts available?

(double/single) room price per night
What    is    the    (double/single) room price per night?
if breakfast is included
Is breakfast included? Is breakfast included into the price?
directions to the hotel/ gym
How can I get to your hotel/ gym?
distance  from the city centre
How far is the hotel from the city centre?
online  (advance)  reser­vation/booking
Can I book/purchase a ticket on­line (in advance)? Can I reserve a room online?
duration of the course/ tour
How long is the course/tour?
entrance fee
What is the entrance fee? How much is the ticket? How much does the tour cost?
age restriction
Is there a minimum age restric­tion for this film?
photo permission / tak­ing pictures
Is it allowed to take pictures dur­ing the tour?
possible accommodation
What kind of accommodation do you offer?
refund for a ticket
Can I get a refund for a ticket if I miss the concert?

3. Photo description.
a) I’ve chosen photo number …
I like taking pictures and I really want to tell you about this picture which I took last (winter/summer…)
We were/I was visiting our/my relatives/friends/…..in Sochi/Novosibirsk.
We/I went to the cinema/ the park/the beach/…and we were/I was swimming/….waiting our film to start.
We go there every year/twice a month/ once a week.
b-c) In this picture you can see my…….
We are/they are/he is + Ving
We’ve/they’ve just+V3(ed)+smth.
They are/he is going to…..
d) I keep this photo in my album because it reminds me how happy we were/ I was on that day/ how interesting (exciting) it was to go…./to visit this museum/park/city/place.
And I think this photo turned out really well.
e) I decided to show this photo because
Firstly, you’ve always wanted to hear a lot of/about….
Secondly, ……wanted to know/
Thirdly,………interested in/of….
And I knew it would be interesting for you to see this photo.
Do you like it? /
Do you think I look like my dad/ mom/ aunt/ uncle/ brother….?/
Do you think ……is nice?
 4. Comparing and contrasting photos.
1-Let me tell you about these two pictures. In the 1st picture we can see (people/a person/ someone  doing smth) And in the 2nd picture we can see (people/a person/ someone  doing smth)
2 – These pictures have a lot of in common.
a)             Действие.
Firstly, people/the girl /…. in the both pictures are doing smth.
b)            Место.
Secondly, people/….  in the both pictures are somewhere
c)             Возраст.
Thirdly, they are at the same age/ they are about 9 or 10.
d)             Эмоции.
They look happy/sad…..
e)             Одежда.
Finally, both of them/ both boys/these people are wearing the similar clothes: ………
3- These pictures are also different in many ways.
a)             Действие.
People/boys/….. in these pictures are doing different things. People/ the person /… in the 1st picture is doing this and the person in the 2nd picture is doing that.
b)            Место.
They are in different places. He is probably in this place, whereas she  is at that place.
c)             Возраст.
They are of different ages. The person on the left seems older/younger that the person on the right.
d)            Эмоции.
They look/ she looks happy, whereas they look/ she looks sad.
e)             Одежда.
They are dressed differently. He is / they are wearing this, while he is / they are wearing that.

4- As for what I would prefer, I’d probably prefer to work in the office rather/than to work on the building site.  I think that working in the office is more interesting and challenging  than working on the building site.
That’s all I want to say. Thank you for listening!


ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2016. Подготовка к устной части

Примерные варианты заданий устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку можно найти на сайте ФИПИ, которые размещены в открытом доступе —> ЗДЕСЬ
Также Вы можете потренироваться в чтении текстов на английском языке или повторить правила чтения английских слов
* * *
Одним из важным моментов устного экзамена является описание фотографии на английском языке. Пример стандартного описания картинки (фото), а также всю необходимую лексику и грамматические  конструкции, вы сможете найти -> ЗДЕСЬ
Но дело в том, что на ЕГЭ нужно описать фотографию особым образом, и к тому же сделать это за отведенное время, ничего не упустив, чтобы не потерять баллы. Читайте об этом ниже.

Примерное описание фотографии (ЕГЭ, задание 3) по опциям ниже:

Task 3. Imagine that you are showing your photo album to your friend. Choose one photo to present to your friend.You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously. In your talk remember to speak about:
  • when you took the photo — когда вы сделали этот снимок (1)
  • what/who is in the photo — что или кто изображен на фотографии (2)
  • what is happening — что происходит в момент, когда был сделан снимок (3)
  • why you took the photo — почему вы сделали этот снимок (4)
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend — почему вы решили показать эту фотографию своему другу (5)
ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2015. Задание 3
Предположим вы выбрали эту фотографию из трех предложенных (фото взята с сайта ФИПИ). Помните, что говорить нужно не делая паузы (You have to talk continuously) и не более 2 минут (not more than 2 minutes)

Hello, how are things? (вступление, вопрос «как дела?» является общепринятым при встрече) Look here, I would like you to have a look at this photo. (эти слова уместны, если вы говорите с экзаменатором-собеседником)
Введение: (0) Well, I have chosen to show you photo number 2. (Это ваша первая фраза. Она нужна для экзаменатора). Look at this photo. ( Так нужно начать, если вы сдаете экзамен в компьютеризированной форме, без участия экзаменатора-собеседника.)
(1) I took it a month ago when I was going on an excursion with my classmates. I remember that day very well.
(2) In this photo you can see our bus driverAs you see, he looks very friendly. We have made friends with him.
(3) We were going to the State Darwin Museum and on the way he told us a lot of facts about wildlife. By the way, he is from the northen part of Russia.
(4) Wellat that time I was doing a project on my future profession. That is why I took the photo. I have already had a lot of pictures of different people. And, you know, when I was a boy, I wanted to be a driver, too.  So, I decided that it was not a bad idea to use that photo in my project.
(5) A job of a driver seems to me rather boring now but I would like to show you this photo as he is a very well-read and interesting person. Besides, I believe he likes his job. You know, there is a saying «Choose a job you love and you will never have to  work a day in your life». (в заключение, вы приводите известное изречение китайского философа Конфуция).
(6) That’s all I wanted to say. (заключительная фраза)
Всего 12-15 фраз. В приведенном выше описании фраз больше, но не надо зацикливаться на количестве фраз. Просто надо уложиться в 2 минуты.

Маргарита Николаевна Кашкута

Моя фотография
Рубцовск, Алтайский край, Russia